Happy Friday :) Last week, you were shown how to easily run your giveaway in multiple locations. This week, we’ll step it back a bit. You’ll be shown how to link to different pages in your giveaway.
Rafflecopter Mini-Tip: Run Your Giveaways In Different Locations
Happy Friday :) Last week, you were shown how to easily find the total number of entrants in your giveaways. This week, you’ll be shown a huge advantage to running a giveaway using with Rafflecopter.
Rafflecopter Mini-Tip: Total Number of Entrants
Happy Friday :) Last week, you were shown how to easily edit your Facebook display names in your Rafflecopter widgets. This week, we’ll give you one easy tip regarding moderating your entries and the grid.
Today’s Tip: Find The Total Number Of Entrants
How Many Giveaway Entry Options Should You Use?
Last week, a post was published on our blog regarding Rafflecopter giveaways and the number of entry options you prefer from a giveaway admin perspective as well as an entrant perspective.
Today, we’ll share with you the results of the survey. We’ve included some more in-depth analysis regarding the number of entry options and some advice on how to make the giveaways you run more pleasurable for your entrants.
Rafflecopter Mini-Tip: Facebook Display Name
Happy Friday :) Starting today, weekly blog posts will be published each Friday that include tips & tricks using Rafflecopter that you might not know about.
Today’s Tip: Facebook Display Name
Sometimes your Facebook page’s URL isn’t the same as your page’s name (boo!). When you run giveaways using Rafflecopter, you’re given the ability to edit your Facebook’s display name on the widget. Using the Facebook page of Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (the star of History’s Ancient Aliens) as an example, here’s how you do this: