Happy Friday :) Our last mini-tip discussed how you can best share your Rafflecopter giveaways with others. This week, we’re going to tell you how to make the giveaways you run on Facebook with a Rafflecopter app *visually appealing*.
Why Your Next Giveaway Promotion Should Avoid Google+
Are you running a giveaway by incentivizing entrants to use Google+ features and buttons, such as asking your readers to +1 a URL or add you to a circle?
A word of caution: you’re probably in violation of Google’s terms of service.
Rafflecopter Mini-Tip: Share Your Giveaway With Others
The ability to run your Rafflecopter giveaways in multiple locations is one of the many great features of Rafflecopter. Today, we’re excited to give you some tips on how you can share your giveaway widget with other bloggers or sites that might want to run the giveaway as well.
Podcast: Ins and Outs of Online Giveaways & Sweepstakes
Several weeks ago, we were featured on Social Geek Radio where we discussed the ins and outs of online giveaways and sweepstakes. We talked a little bit about Rafflecopter, online giveaways, some tips and tricks, and Facebook promotion guidelines.
Thursday Visual: Live Podcast Time – 7/19
It’s Thursday night! We’re coming to you live from #SocialGeekRadio, where we’re talking about the ins and outs of Rafflecopter, running online giveaways, and Facebook promotional guidelines.
Weren’t able to catch the show? Listen in here.
Follow up post on the way!